Charmaine Lyons is a freelance photographic artist, herwork spans the genres of portrait, fashion, fine art and documentary photography. Lyons also explores the process and techniques of free lensing and scranography. Exhibiting both nationally and internationally, with work recently recognised in the Maggie Diaz Portrait Prize, (Finalist 2022). She is a contributing photographer to the #everydayclimatecrisis visual petition, 2022 and is a Participant of the Loud and Luminous project 2020. Lyons major solo exhibition, WOMEN UNITED, A Photographic March, 200 Portraits, showcased in 2020 at Gympie Regional Gallery. A passionate supporter of social justice and environmental issues, Lyons practice responds to a collective pursuit for visibility, action and change.
"Charmaine’s photography informs her life, and her life informs her photography. Her personal and exhibition work reflects her deeply felt concerns for social justice and environmental issues. Charmaine’s professional practice has a strong ethical core, displaying the integrity she brings to the passion of her life – photography."
Julie Millowick MAP Group Member / La Trobe University